Ganesha - Remover of Obstacles
Bespoke Yoga Tailored to Suit Your Individual Needs
Private and Semi-Private Instruction
Private instruction is catered to fit your needs whether you are recuperating from an injury or surgery, a beginner, or have a more advanced practice. Anne incorporates many movement styles into the session according to the practitioner's needs.
Anne is well versed in myriad styles and all levels of yoga and meditation practice. She has worked with all ages, from kids to the elderly. Your private instruction is tailor-made to suit what you need in the present moment and will grow and change with you as you deepen your knowledge of your body and self. Moving with ease, utility and joy is of utmost importance and, feeling good in your body and being happy is your birthright.
The variety of yoga and movement techniques used in Anne's teaching include Hatha, Vinyasa, Iyengar, and Restorative, as well as Lester Horton's Modern Dance Technique, Laban Bartenieff Movement, Ballet exercises and Myofascial Release.
Sign up for private instruction with Anne Robinson now, and feel free to contact Anne if you have any questions or would like more information about us or our class offerings.
Preparing Your Home
Anne Robinson on Preparation for Private Instruction
Your home is a sacred space, and bringing a yoga practice into that space is a great gift to you or someone you love. To make the best use of your time, please prepare your home prior to my arrival by moving any furniture or other obstructions so that we can focus on you and your needs on that particular day, whether it be rehabilitation, vinyasa yoga, a more relaxed release-oriented practice, or meditation.
Please have two, 4 inch foam blocks, a mat, and two tennis balls or Yoga Tune Up balls at the ready . If you don't have these for your first class, let me know in advance, and I'll be happy to bring them to you for your class.
I look forward to working with you and your unique yoga practice or introducing you to a yoga practice for the first time. Namaste.